Way to the Lakes Laghi Sternai

Way to the Lakes Laghi Sternai

A unique fascinating naturalistic itinerary, appropriate for good hikers who have the chance to reach amazing landscape views and crystal-clear pools.

This naturalistic itinerary in the valley Val di Saènt (Val di Rabbi) is characterized by the number and the different typologies of landscapes that are touched during the walk: from the famous waterfalls Cascate di Saènt and the fascinating Piana di Saènt, going through the larch woods and the high mountains pastures to reach, finally, the crystal-clear little lakes Laghetti Sternai.

Highest point: 2,787 m
Lowest point: 1,376 m

After parking at place Còler take the dirt road toward the mountain farms Malga Stablasolo and Malga Stablét. A shuttle bus service (available during July and August) connects the place Còler with the mountain farm Malga Stablasolo.

From the farm take path n.106 going up close to the famous waterfalls Cascate di Saènt to reach the hill Dos de la Cros. Then continue on the trail going down for a short distance and crossing the beautiful plain Piana di Saènt. After passing the homonymous mountain farm the trails goes up and through the last part of the larch wood to reach the high mountains pastures. Going further on the path Sentiero degli Alpinisti (the mountaineers’ path) you will reach the mountain hut Rifugio Dorigoni. From there starts the naturalistic itinerary to the little lakes Laghetti Sternai, that joins path n.101 afterwards to reach back the mountain hut Rifugio Dorigoni. From the hut take the path n.106 and go back again to the parking at the place Còler


Holiday apartment ratings:

Rabbi Vacanze has launched a new rating system for holiday homes in the Val di Rabbi using ‘nests’. The aim is to provide full transparency about the information provided and the facilities on offer. Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.

Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.

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