01. Playgrounds
Children are our future, so treat them well!
In the Val di Rabbi, we can offer them plenty of nature, fresh clean air and playgrounds which are lots of fun!

San Bernardo (altitude 1,095 m), or San Bernart in the local dialect, is the largest of the villages in the Val di Rabbi with many public services based here. As with the rest of the valley, it economy is currently built on the twin foundations of tourism and agriculture.It is also comprised of many tiny hamlets, such as Ceresè, Ost, Pedergnana, Penasa, Poz, Stablum, Tassé, Valorz, Zanon, Casna, Pedrin, La Val, and Le Ruaie.
Built between 1957 and 1959 to the design of Trentino architect Efrem Ferrari, the parish church replaced the old building which is believed to date from the 15th century. The granite block walls and the steep tiled roof are reminiscent of traditional Alpine architecture. The slender bell tower, with its wooden cladding, is built off-centred along the side wall. The gable end façade features a huge fresco by Carlo Bonacina (1906-2001) depicting Saint Bernard; the same artist also painted the frescoes inside. In the background is the single, rectangular nave. Many of the sacred objects on display, including the altar, some paintings and statues, are taken from the old church. Of particular note are the Stations of the Cross by Matthias Lamp (1755) and a wooden altarpiece from the 1600s by Elia Naurizio (1589-1657), who also produced a painting of Our Lady of the Rosary. A small niche in the north wall contains the stone baptismal font from 1513.
In San Bernardo, there is an open-air Kneipp water therapy path, the first of its kind in the region. A place for relaxation and enjoyment which uses the natural minerals in the running water to improve your circulation. The wellness area is located in the magnificent setting of the Valle di Valorz, with its mighty waterfalls, numerous traditional farmhouses and the Sentiero Valorz, a themed footpath.
Rabbi Vacanze has launched a new rating system for holiday homes in the Val di Rabbi using ‘nests’. The aim is to provide full transparency about the information provided and the facilities on offer. Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.
Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.
Children are our future, so treat them well!
In the Val di Rabbi, we can offer them plenty of nature, fresh clean air and playgrounds which are lots of fun!
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